The Clarkston Coalition for Youth is a non-profit, grass-roots organization funded through the Oakland County Health Division-Office of Substance Abuse along with private and business donations. It consists of individuals and organizations that recognize the importance of valuing and supporting positive youth development.
Professionals as well as ordinary citizens of all ages focus on the positive steps to strengthen families, help youth find meaningful roles in the community, build bridges for communication within and across generations, and form partnerships with other youth-serving groups in and around our community.
The Coalition believes that by increasing the number of developmental assets in youth, the less likely they are to choose high-risk behaviors such as alcohol and substance abuse, tobacco, violence, truancy, and inappropriate sexual activity. Instead, youth will choose positive, constructive use of time, a commitment to learning, youth empowerment, social competencies, realistic boundaries and expectations, positive identity, and positive values. The Coalition supports and recognizes Search Institutes 40 Developmental Assets Framework.
Our mission is to increase positive youth development through community partnerships, providing every youth with the opportunity to reach their fullest potential.